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Your 1095-C form will be ready soon. 
Come back Jan. 31, 2025.

As the result of recent law changes, you will no longer receive a paper copy of Form 1095-C unless otherwise required by state law. Visit (employer code: 10108) or call People Services at 1-800-421-1362 to request a paper copy.

What's the 1095-C form?

The 1095-C form provides proof of health insurance for your 2024 tax filing. When you file your taxes in 2025, you may need to state whether you and/or your dependents had health insurance in 2024.

How do I get a paper copy of my 1095-C?

Associates working in California, District of Columbia, New Jersey, and Rhode Island will receive a paper copy of their 1095-C in compliance with state/local guidelines.

Associates outside those locations who would like to receive a paper copy may request one by: visiting (employer code: 10108), emailing a written request to and include "Attn: 1095-C" in the subject line, or contacting People Services by phone at 800-421-1362 or in writing at People Services – Attn: 1095-C, 508 SW 8th Street, Mailstop 3501, Bentonville, AR 72716-3501.

What's the 1095-B form?

The 1095-B form gives you proof of health insurance for 2024 if you were enrolled in a Walmart HMO or the PPO plan. If you have questions about the 1095-B, call the number on the back of your plan ID card.

What's the 1095-A form?

The 1095-A form will be mailed by the Health Insurance Marketplace if you or anyone in your household enrolled in a health plan through the Health Insurance Marketplace. This form will include premium tax credit information if applicable.

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