I suppose that being the President of a growing company such as Wal-Mart would be, and is, a sizable responsibility and challenge. I agree that it is, but not every company president is blessed with the kind of people that make up our Wal-Mart World. And that’s where we’re different.
I truly enjoy my job because of the people in our Company. We have the management talent and dedication at every level that makes my role as President relatively easy.
But the thing I enjoy doing most is going to the stores and visiting with the wonderful folks that make up the average Wal-Mart store – talking with you personally or in small groups about your department, your merchandise assortment, what’s selling, the displays you’ve created, or how you’re doing in sales by department compared with your fellow Wal-Mart departmental managers or sales people. Sometimes it’s a personnel problem – sometimes it’s a payroll problem. Sometimes everything is A-OK!
What a delight it is to discuss with you our Wal-Mart program and how we can improve it by working and thinking together. I’ve been repeatedly asked by our Investment Banking friends and other retail people from other companies as to Wal-Mart’s secret. Proudly, you’re Wal-Mart’s “secret”, and we frankly admit to it.
Once again I want to express my sincere appreciation to you all for the great job you’re doing, and say that I wish I could visit each of our fifty-five stores more often. I’m trying, and if you’ll bear with me a little longer, I’ll be by for a visit. This is the part of my job I enjoy most – getting to know you personally and thanking you for saying “Thank you for shopping Wal-Mart” and believing so strongly in our Wal-Mart program.
Sam M. Walton, President
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